January 9, 2019
Reading time: 3 minute(s)
New Year 2019
Reading time: 3 minute(s)

Same as last time, on December 28, Data East celebrated the 2019 New Year party in a cozy banquet hall ‘Teplitsa’ in Academpark. At the party Harry Potter with his friend Hermione were spotted who did not need to use their magic wands to have fun.
Wine casino, jokes from the party presenters, and groovy music played by the Black Jack band made this event cheerful and unforgettable. Vyacheslav Ananyev in his traditional welcome speech made a short review of the year wishing new achievements and breakthroughs to all the team. During the party we remembered the most impressive moments of 2018, including the new projects, newborn children, travels and contests winnings.
Happy New 2019, dear friends!