Data East represented new XTools Pro 10.0 in San Diego

Data East - a leading Russian company providing GIS software development, engineering, and consulting services announced a new XTools Pro 10.0 release. The 10.0 version was introduced at Esri International User Conference in San Diego (July 8 - 12, 2013).
XTools Pro is appreciated by thousands of users worldwide. It is successfully used by specialists from USGS, Washington State Department of Ecology, Stanford University, Shell, Newmont Mining, and many other companies spread over the world. Providing a comprehensive set of effective tools for work with spatial data XTools Pro is very helpful for ArcGIS end users. XTools Pro allows simplifying tasks related to features geometry analysis, length, perimeter and area calculation, adding feature coordinates to attribute tables, and other various operations with spatial data. XTools Pro today is one of the most popular and full-featured extensions for ArcGIS with the most essential functions collected in a single toolbar.
This year XTools Pro celebrates 10 years of success in serving GIS community worldwide. Now more than 10 000 companies and private customers from more than 80 countries are using XTools Pro in their everyday work. These are corporate bodies, holding companies, environmental and oil and gas production companies, as well as federal and government administrations, universities and colleges around the world. Apart from the registered customers having access to all XTools Pro functionality, there are thousands of users working with XTools Pro free tools.
"We love the product so much that we have purchased a global license so every one of our ArcGIS users has access to XTools Pro for their everyday work. My personal favorite tool in XTools Pro is Table Restructure. It saves so much time over doing the same tasks in the standard ArcGIS interface. The KML Import and Export tools are also very popular with our users", says Dan Saul, GIS Manager at Information Technology Services Office of Washington State Department of Ecology.
Data East keeps on developing new useful and effective tools for GIS specialists staying current with the most recent technologies and ongoing extension of the ArcGIS functionality. The new XTools Pro 10.0 version introduces more than 70 tools for vector spatial analysis, shape conversion and table management, and more than 40 geoprocessing tools. Besides enhancements made in the existent tools functionality and performance, the latest version represents various changes including new tools for editing table data with Excel, renaming several datasets at a time, finding multipart features, and more.
"XTools Pro solves various complex GIS tasks with ease", says Vyacheslav Ananyev, Director General of Data East. "Our customers note that using XTools Pro tools for spatial data processing is much easier and effective comparing with standard ArcGIS options. Since the very first version in 2003 a huge number of changes and updates was made in the product functionality, interface and performance to satisfy our users' needs. XTools Pro today is a set of unique advanced tools, which are not implemented in the current ArcGIS functionality, and that is why XTools Pro allows to essentially extend capabilities of the ArcGIS end users and to save a lot of time."
Esri International User Conference, where the new 10.0 version was introduced, is a place gathering GIS experts and Esri software users from all over the world. The Esri UC is where you can spend five days experiencing over 900 GIS success stories, best practices, and real world projects from Esri users. More than 15 000 people take part at the conference sessions, seminars and exhibition to learn first-hand about the newest GIS trends. As an Esri UC exhibitor Data East represents new versions of its most known software products - XTools Pro, CarryMap, WellTracking, and TAB Reader.