Data East exhibits at Esri UC in San Diego

Every year Esri International User Conference gathers GIS experts and Esri software users from all over the world. The Esri UC is where you can spend your time experiencing various success stories, best practices, and real world projects from Esri users.
More than 16000 people from 150 countries will take part at the conference sessions, seminars and the GIS Solutions Expo to learn first-hand about the newest GIS trends.
“Today we see a lot of crucial changes happening at the GIS services market. Some of these changes are caused by the recent Google’s decision to terminate support provided to their Google Earth Enterprise and Google Maps Engine clients. Thus, now Esri hopes to meet more Google services users among the Esri UC visitors. At Data East we have made all efforts to prepare for this event and so plan to honorably represent our products and services to satisfy existent customers and to attract new audience”, - says Vyacheslav Ananyev, Director General of Data East.
At the conference Data East demonstrates XTools Pro 12.0 and CoGIS 3.0 – both products have been fully redesigned staying current with the most recent GIS technologies. The well-known XTools Pro is used by about 13000 companies and private users from 94 countries. These are corporate bodies, holding companies, environmental and oil and gas production companies, as well as federal and government administrations, universities and colleges around the world. Apart from the registered customers having access to all XTools Pro functionality, there are thousands of users working with XTools Pro free tools.
XTools Pro allows simplifying tasks related to features geometry analysis, length, perimeter and area calculation, adding feature coordinates to attribute tables, and other operations with spatial data. The new 12.0 version introduces more than 80 tools for vector spatial analysis, shape conversion and table management, and more than 50 geoprocessing tools. Besides enhancements made in the existent tools functionality and performance, the latest version represents various changes including new tools to effectively manage geodatabase domains, to find and eliminate sliver polygons, to create and apply advanced map themes to maps, to create density rasters from vector data, and more.
CoGIS 3.0 is an ArcGIS for Server based web-portal for creating and publishing map apps, spatial data editing and analysis. It is used by number of municipal administrations that need to create and manage highly protected geoinformation systems. Besides new major versions of XTools Pro and CoGIS, Data East represents other known software products - CarryMap, WellTracking, and TAB Reader.