
People is the greatest resource of our company. After all, our people create the unique geoinformation products utilized by thousands of customers around the world. The corporate culture at Data East is very democratic, we highly appreciate responsibility, ability to work in a team and always welcome creative thinking. We know how to work hard and how to have fun after that. Lucrative salary, opportunities for professional development and career growth – this is what we are pleased to offer to our intended colleagues. Join Data East - a team of highly qualified, talented, and ambitious specialists, striving for success and ready to grow professionally.

Keeps the law

Official employment, benefits and guarantees in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, declared salary

Locates in Akademgorodok

Data East’s office is in one of the greenest districts of Novosibirsk, that is, at the same time, the very center of high technologies, innovations, and science, providing various opportunities for development

Is concerned about employees’ health

Extended medical insurance, flexible vacations schedule

Provides support

Assistance in relocation, provision of benefits from partners related with property lending and purchasing, assistance in legal matters (registration of tax deductions, obtaining loans, etc.)

We offer

Lucrative salary

Transparent remuneration system based on professional level and amount of work performed, surcharges and extra payments, including ones for length of employment, as well as social care and financial support when necessary

Interesting work

Our team solves the most difficult tasks, creates unique products, and implements global projects by using advanced programming technologies and development tools on the most modern computers

Cooperation with the world leader

Close interaction with Esri, the world leader in the market of geoinformation technologies provides unique access to the top-notch development  technologies on mobile, desktop and server platforms

Development and professional growth

At Data East, everyone can achieve his or her career ambitions. That is, a student, having completed an internship, becomes a young expert, then a high-quality expert, and finally, a professional supervising the development team

Knowledge enrichment

Thematical get-togethers, participation at seminars, conferences, and exhibitions

Our traditions

Since the very foundation of the company many good corporate traditions to celebrate holidays together had been established: New Year party, company anniversary, and other official holidays and events.

Job openings

Come join Data East's team

Have not found a suitable job, but want to work at Data East? Contact our HR department at and tell us about yourself in the cover letter!

Students and grads

We invite students of senior courses and graduates in specialty of information technology, mathematics, physics and geology to do an internship in our company. If you are interested in a position of junior developer, you are welcome to do our test task.