Research & Development
Our team of researchers specializing in mathematics, geoinformatics, geophysics and geology effectively solves even complex tasks, that require application of unique algorithms, numerical methods, and non-standard engineering approaches.

Knowledge-based software
We create powerful knowledge-based software products for solving real issues arisen during operations with spatial data used in territory management, transportation, mining and power industries, and many other industries.
We develop numerical and structure models, create and customize algorithms for effective data compression and spatial multivariable search, as well as for solving routing and proximity analysis tasks for networks of any complexity.

We use system analysis and rapid prototyping while solving non-algorithmic tasks related to managing, storing, and processing of large volumes of spatial data.
Breakthrough technologies
We take part in various activities of Novosibirsk IT-cluster aimed at providing development of breakthrough technologies, following the most recent IT-trends, and increasing competitiveness of national development technologies.

Business analytics

Smart cities

Internet of things

Augmented reality