Updated CarryMap app features

In August 2020, the CarryMap development team introduced the new version of mobile app. This update was released as part of the continual improvement plan of the product.
In August 2020, the CarryMap development team introduced the new version of mobile app. This update was released as part of the continual improvement plan of the product. In addition to optimizing existing functionality, this version contains a number of new options to improve the quality and efficiency of data collection, to reduce labor effort of field staff and to solve production tasks as accurately and quickly as possible.
So, what’s new?
First of all, the updates affected the user interface. The logic of feature creation process has been revised. Now creating feature starts with selection of feature’s type: point, line or polygon. For users’ convenience, all the tools used to create and edit features have been moved to identification card. With the updated interface, the app is now more user-friendly and intuitive.
The data collection functionality has been extended. The process of creating point features on-the-fly using the device camera has been simplified. Now you just need to take a photo of the site or download the existing photo from your gallery and the feature location will be defined based on the photo coordinates.
To contour complex polygon features that cannot be seen due to large area or specific location, the new tool provided to create polygons by recorded tracks would be very handy. Using this new option you can walk/drive/fly around the needed territory defining its boundary and area. Note that creating polygons by tracks can be done even in the background mode, so you will be able to use any other app options during the track recording.
With the new option of adding graphic and text marks, your map will be even more descriptive and demonstrative. Thus, adding arrows or drawing free hand graphic on the map, you can mark the places you need to remember or which you want to show your colleges upon returning to the office, or mark the features that need to be defined more accurately and complemented later.
The search functionality of the app has been also enhanced. The search bar with the magnifier icon provided for text and numerical search by attribute fields of GeoPackage features or CMF2 maps has been added. You can switch between coordinates display formats, selecting DD or DMS. For each format, the sample/prompting message showing the correct coordinates entry will appear.
The search functionality of the app has been extended with the new accurate search option. Now you can search not only for the separate word, but also for the whole phrase. To do so, enter the ‘!’ sign in the beginning of your search query, and the search result will show only the requested number, word or phrase. This new option will simplify searching through big arrays of numerical and text data.
To learn more about these and other CarryMap options, visit https://carrymap.com/en/features/.