Data East’s green alley

One more alley of cedars and firs adorned the street of Scientists in the very center of Akademgorodok!
On May 25, our employees planted this beautiful alley in the honor of the 16th anniversary of the company and the 60th anniversary of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science. This great tradition later called "Business for a Green Planet" started three years ago when a group of employees from Novosibirsk IT companies decided to plant small green zones in different parts of Akademgorodok. As cedars and firs perfectly fit the local landscape, these trees were chosen for planting. Now all Akademgorodok residents and visitors can enjoy several green alleys growing in neighborhood.
“Data East actively supports this planting tradition. It is great to plant trees and then watch how these small saplings grow and become strong and mature. These growing trees are symbols of Data East. Same as these trees, our company grows and overcomes difficulties. We are proud to take part in such a good action”, says Vyacheslav Ananyev, Director General at Data East. The "Business for a Green Planet" action is just another opportunity to save and increase the green landscape of Siberia and to keep healthy environment for future generations.