Press kit
Competence center for geoinformation technologies in Siberia
Data East ( is a Russian company based in Novosibirsk providing competent GIS software development, engineering, and consulting services. For more than 20 years Data East has been creating comprehensive solutions for managing territories and natural resources, for solving tasks in geology and geophysics, oil and gas and mining industries, urban management, land cadastre, transport, agriculture and forestry, energy and other industries.
The core competence of Data East is the development of the corporate geoinformation systems based on the up-to-date infrastructure digital platforms, ArcGIS from Esri, Inc. and own geoinformation platform CoGIS. Application of system analysis and personalized innovative approach enables rapid prototyping by solving non-formalized geodata processing tasks related to managing, storing, and processing of large volumes of spatial data which allows Data East to take a prominent position in the world development market of science-intensive high-tech software products.
Based on innovative approaches in the field of spatial data processing and displaying, Data East has made significant progress in the development of cartographic applications for mobile devices considering specifics of using GIS on smartphones and tablets provided for collecting data in the field, as well as for information and navigation support even in the remote locations without internet.
Data East provides complex services on development and maintenance of the full lifecycle of geoinformation systems, starting from capture and analysis of business requirements, subsequent generation of concept, to design and development, implementation and further technical support, including training of the customer's personnel at certified training center.
The Data East’s intangible asset consists of more than 60 Intellectual property objects, including a library of own products, SDKs, frameworks, databases, brands, and know-hows. Data East’s software products are used in various industry sectors by 200000 clients from 45 countries.
Data East supports a few proactive projects in the field of nature conservation and biodiversity protection, development of the tourism industry, protection of cultural heritage sites, and a number of social projects in Novosibirsk. Data East is a Corporate partner of Russian Geographical Society, a member of the program for development of scientific and industrial mega cluster Sibirsky Naukopolis, a member of association for assistance in development of information technologies SibAcademSoft, and a resident of Technopark of Novosibirsk Akademgorodok.
Ekaterina Vronskaya, press center at Data East
+7 383 3 320 320
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